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Trainer Armour Big Toe Hole Preventer black


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SKU: BTH001 Category:

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Preventer patches – what are they and how do they work?

Big Toe Hole Preventer is a reinforced self-adhesive patch and applicator system that prevents your big toe wearing a hole in your expensive footwear.

Big Toe Hole Preventer is a thin patch that fits inside your footwear, just above your big toe, and is designed to be unnoticeable after fitting. It is manufactured from tough abrasive and tear resistant material.

The applicator system ensures that the patch sticks in the correct place without any danger of sticking it to yourself, the furniture or stray pets.

It’s best to fit Big Toe Hole Preventer patches in new footwear to prevent the holes but they can also be used to repair a hole when it first becomes visible.

Each pack contains two self-adhesive patches, a left foot applicator and a right foot applicator.

The Big Toe Hole Preventer is an international patent pending product that is designed and manufactured in the UK.


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The Entertainment Quarter, Lang Road, Moore Park, Sydney, NSW, 2010 Australia
T: 02 8354 0508 E: ABN: 69 004 007 032

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